Spicy Wok Shrimp is one of my favorite recipes; I found it a few years ago when I was perusing food blogs for dinner ideas. It's pretty quick to make, and although it is a little on the expensive side (compared to good ol' chicken or beef, that is), it's a nice treat. The only funny thing is, I used to make it in this giant wok I had when we lived in Irvine. Since our kitchen in Philly is a joke, it's really Spicy Pot Shrimp. It's yummy, nonetheless! :)
It's Chris' and my dating anniversary tomorrow (don't even ask how long; we find many reasons to celebrate, and this is our "official" dating anniversary, lol), it calls for a little celebration.

bubbling away happily in the "wok"

plated with the coconut rice
I love tinkering around in the kitchen. :)