Monday, December 14, 2009


Naya is my coworker Jess' daughter. She's so full of energy, just like her mom. Naya's dad told Chris and me on our way to their house that she absolutely LOVES taking pictures and that she'll totally ham it up for the camera.

Not only did Naya deliver the cheesiness, she obliged to her mom's request for a more "toned down" smile. After all, these would be going on their Christmas cards this year!

Chris caught this one as she was preparing to smile for me

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Windy City

This year, Chris and I spent Thanksgiving in Chicago with our cousins Jenn and Fred. Jenn is the sister of Charlotte, baby Jake's momma, and Jake's godmother. I explain this relation to friends by saying we were staying with Chris' cousin's wife's sister and her husband. Imagine the weird stares I got!

Chicago was great, as always. It definitely tops my list as one of my favorite cities, and it's right up there with San Diego and San Francisco. There's just so much to do, and no matter how many extended weekends we take (this will be our second), I don't think we'll ever run out of things to discover.

Take, for example, the Sears Tower Skydeck. Or, more specifically, the GLASS BOX OF DOOM. I'm not normally afraid of heights, but there is something about being 103 stories above the ground with nothing but concrete below you. Chris, on the other hand, got light headed when he stepped on. He's not a huge fan of heights.

He is, however, a fan of awesome views, such as this one. This is the view from Jenn and Fred's 15th floor balcony. The sky was crazy cool that night, so I just stood out there with a tripod.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!