Thursday, March 19, 2009

around Philly and UPenn

Last weekend, Chris and I walked around Philly, scouting for places to take photos and places to take visitors. We ended up at the Art Museum (and Rocky Steps!) just people watching. I never realized how popular this place is for wedding pictures! In less than half an hour, we saw three different wedding parties take their pictures near the giant columns. I didn't snap any of these because well, I didn't want a confrontation with a photographer. They were hard at work and the last thing they need is some n00b taking pictures of their work!

Before we started our adventure, we stopped by Tbar to get, in my opinion, the best boba in Philly. That's a lot coming from a California Asian. ;)

We found some pretty good spots for portraits and whatnot. Here is Chris modeling them:

I love his cheesy smile here!

Then yesterday, my coworker Liz wanted to go to Locust Walk at UPenn to practice her photography. I also asked our other coworker Paige to join us because I wanted to get some portraits of her and her beautiful eyes.

There's a mini Love sign on campus.

There a lot of beautiful old buildings on Locust Walk, but since it was such a nice day out, SO MANY people were milling around! This was basically the only free spot of doorway I could get.

This last shot is my absolute favorite of any portrait I've taken (not like I've taken that many). This is one of those shots that look fab straight out of the camera and need very little tweaking. I think this is the first one I've taken that needed about 2 minutes of post production. I'm pretty happy about that. :)


  1. Those eyes are totally captivating.

  2. She does have gorgeous eyes! Don't you love it when the Photography God's align and your image comes out perfectly? :) I know I do! Can't wait to see what you capture in your new locations!

  3. Love the pictures! Her eyes are tantalizing. I especially love the picture you took with the "love" sign, reminiscent of the times Scottie and I were there! Good job :)

  4. Cheesy smiles make for the best ones, I think. :) Esp when they're cheesy smiles from your even cheesier significant other.

  5. Wow Faye you really captured the essence of Paige's beauty.. not only in her enchanting eyes but the kindness of her smile. The love sign background couldn't be more appropriate, and the juxtaposition of the stone steps in her portrait really brings out her warmth. Pardon my bias, but i'm her boyfriend so I'm allowed to be a little sappy. All of your photos are beautiful Faye.. I love the shots of Lynn & Fred on the steps, and the one of Jake holding the ring is amazing. Cant wait to see more.
